Green World, IN HONOR OF THE GODDESS AND GOD, The Lady and Lord of The Green World The concept of deity that is both male and female, in certain respects, is difficult to present. Our culture and society, with its long history (his story) of patriarchal dominance, is not use to that duality. But if a seeking person were to look at the world around them, and observe the flow of nature, what they see will be a beautiful illustration of this dualistic model. There is at first a supreme unity. All things are tied and connected, to all other things. A web of life bringing all into the one. And so it is with the Goddess and the God. Neither is separate from the other yet each has an individuality of their own. The whole of deity is the beginning force behind creation. All emanates from that single voice and design. This matrix is neither male or female yet at the same time is the ultimate representation of both. It is in the cycles of birth death and rebirth, so abundant in the universe, that we witness this expression of the Goddess and the God emanating from the one; “The One Beyond The Drapery Of The Cosmos”. In ancient times, as well as today, we use myths to give these concepts handles. Human kind has always pondered their place in the world. Paul Gaugan, the French artist, inscribed on one of his primal images “Where do we come from, who are we, Where are we going” and in so doing voiced the question that is at the very root of our beings. By creating myths, humankind seeks to explain and answer that question. Whether it comes from a Jewish, Hindu, or Wiccan culture, the use and need for myth is universal. Many patriarchal models bristle at the labeling of their stories as myth, but at the roots of these stories are cries for understanding and validation of existence. They are their personal and cultural guides. They are the maps to the deeper secrets of the self and, to the universe. Many people have turned from the patriarchal modalities toward a matrifocal path because of the need for a balance in their search for connection. On a personal note, that was my experience. In a patriarchal mind set I felt a bondage and a limitation to my life. I sensed a incomplete image of myself and the god that I followed. What grew from a desire to understand this god became a search for completeness that led to a deity that appeared to me in both feminine and masculine persona. I am still seeking the fullness of their identity but the clarity of their presence in that form has become a powerful reality. The Goddess and the God walk together in my sight as rulers of the green world, the world of natural wonder. They empower me to be a participant in this glorious realm. By the abilities they create in me, and everyone else, I am a representation of their beings. I contain within me the ability to create and destroy, to express love and anger, to stand quietly and to step forward in action. The Goddess and the God have taken on many physical aspects over the centuries. Each image speaking to the individuals and cultures of those times and places. With the rapidly escalating pace of our times and the increased devastation of the planet; my soul cries out to a primal force still living and active in the Green World. HAIL THE LADY AND THE LORD! |
©2001 Padraig Cu Kelly
Created - October 30 1997
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