Green World, - Living In The Green World - A Book of Shadows ![]() Many Wiccans incorporate magical tools into their work. By doing this they draw on the energies that are inherent in the object; whether it is a wand or a crystal or cauldron, and combine it with the energy that is a part of their own being to bring about the needed effect. The creative force that comes from the deity, which created all things, is resident in both the magical tool and the practitioner. Everything in the universe has its own energy. In some things this energy is more prominent, such as in crystals and certain metals. This energy is the product of the creativity of the divine. By tapping into these energies the practitioner can then direct the energies for their own use. This is not a egocentric manipulation of power, but rather a human being drawing from the fullness of their being to walk in the realms they were created for. We are not a mundane creation of merely flesh and blood and bone. We are spiritual, immortal beings infused with a life force that is capable of journeying into the multidimensional fabric of the universe. Just as we are the product of our human parents with the same muscle structure and nervous system as they; we are also the product of our divine parents, the Goddess and the God, and have within us the abilities that we call magic. ![]() |
©2001 Padraig Cu Kelly
Created - October 30 1997
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